Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Saturday morning with the Smeraglino family...

Pretty much everyday I realize how lucky I am to do what I love, and love what I do. Working for myself has some perks; I get to set my own hours, stay home with my kids and raise them to the best of my ability...a really flexible, rewarding situation. But one of the most fulfilling aspects of my job is when I can spend a couple of hours with a family that I have just met, and capture some pretty amazing moments between them. It's such a wonderful feeling to bring joy to others through photography.

Yesterday I spent some time with the beautiful Smeraglino family. Kristen and Dom came over with their 2 beautiful children; Emma and Dominic. This was the first time that the family has had photos taken since they have had children. Kristen and I were chatting about how quickly newborns become infants, and infants become toddlers, and before you know it, you wonder what happened to your little babies! We all wait for "the right time" to do a lot of things in life. But I'm so glad that Kristen chose THIS moment in time to take these photos. Take a look at their gorgeous kiddos.

Meet Emma...the little 3 year old with the BIG personality. She was so adorable and so much fun to be around. We ran, we danced, we laughed, we played dress up. Here are a few shots of the little beauty in action.

And here is her little brother Dominic, who is 5 months old and quite possibly one of the sweetest babies on earth. The boys always get the most amazing eyelashes! He is certainly going to be a little heartbreaker.

Kristen and Dom are very patient and loving parents...I could see that from the first few minutes that we met. Here are a few shots of them with the kids.

The big sister keeping her brother safe...

Thank you, Kristen, for setting up this session! It was such a great shoot, and I'm so grateful that you chose me for your family's first photos!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine!

A dear friend of mine came for a visit with her daughter this past week. Carol and Maia were only here for a short time, but we had an absolute blast together. I wanted to capture a few special moments for them. Maia is such a sweetheart, as I'm sure you can tell from the photos!

Contemplating life in the country...

Maia's signature cute!


Mommy and her little girl...

"Where are all the cows?"

Just an another afternoon at the farm...

And a little bit of backyard fun!

So great to see you girls! I know we'll be doing it again soon, perhaps next time we'll meet you on the west coast. : ) XO

Friday, August 13, 2010

Meet the Morettis!

I met up with the Moretti family this week, and I got a glimpse of how fun it would be to have two little girls. Elizabeth and Tony are both beautiful people, so it's no wonder that their daughters are absolutely gorgeous, too.

Meet Ava, the most energetic 3 year old I have had the privilege of meeting! I love her! Here she is, looking like an angel... : )

I wish you all could have been there to see her 3 year old rendition of "All the Single Ladies", but since you weren't, you'll have to settle for this photo of her dancing to "if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it"... : )

Little Gianna is just a peanut...10 weeks old, and so precious.

A couple of sweet shots of Daddy and his baby girl...

Thank you, Morettis! You are a gorgeous family and I can't wait to see you all again soon.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Trevor. T-Bone. T. Trev.

He is a boy of many names, and many faces! This gorgeous little toddler has the most expressive big brown eyes I have ever seen, and he is such a sweetheart. Trevor's mom, Sabrina, and I used to work together. She is extremely creative, artistic, and has a background in photography herself. I was completely blown away and very flattered that she asked me to take some photos of her little guy. She wanted to see her son from my perspective, and here he is...

Sabrina, I had a blast with you and Trevor...and Thomas, Duncan, Rosie, Molly, Percy, James, Rusty, and Billy... : )